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Business Economics and Finance

Master’s program in Business Economics and Finance is designed in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and Bologna Declaration. Its main objective is to provide comprehensive and quality education as well as to enable young specialists to successfully perform business activities and solve problems in the field of business economics and finance. Special emphasis is placed on providing students with highly specialized knowledge in the domain of corporate finance and financial risk management, with the opportunity for students to specialize in the field of financial law, strategic marketing, innovation management, business intelligence or international business.

Master’s program in Business Economics and Finance study presents students with most significant elements of contemporary financial business, thus enabling them to improve the knowledge acquired during undergraduate academic studies. By completing the study program, the students will become qualified for conducting highly professional activities in the domain of business economics, primarily in the area of finance, as well as for continuation of education in doctoral studies.

Master academic studies last for 1 year and are worth 60 ECTS points. By completing the study program Master in Business Economics and Finance, students will be conferred the academic title of a Master of Economics. Upon completing these studies, students may proceed with doctoral studies which last three years.

Teaching is conducted in small groups and through mentor work, by establishing direct contact between students and professors. The emphasis is placed on stressing individual, creative development of students, teamwork, acquiring appropriate theoretical and practical knowledge and using modern technology. Visits of economic experts also contribute to the quality of teaching process.

Study Programme Curriculum

Master in Business Economics and Finance
Course Code Name of the Course View S Active teaching Other ECTS M/E
1. EIOfm01 Methodology of Scientific Research VIEW I 3 2 8 M TM
2. EIOfm02 Microeconomic Analysis and Strategy VIEW I 3 2 8 M TM
3. EIOfm03 Corporate Finance VIEW I 3 2 8 M SP
4. EIIB1 Elective course 1 I 3 2 6 E
* The student chooses one of the three courses:
EIIBfm04 1.Macroeconomic Analysis VIEW TM
EIIBfm05 2.International Finance VIEW SP
EIIBfm06 3.International Business Operations VIEW SP
5. EIIB2 Elective course 2 II 3 2 6 E
* The student chooses one of the three courses:
EIIBfm07 1.Financial Risk Management VIEW PA
EIIBfm08 2.Strategic Management in a Global Environment VIEW SP
EIIBfm09 3.Business Intelligence VIEW AC
6. EIOfmp Internship VIEW II 6 3 M PA
7. EIOfmsir Research work as part of Master thesis writing VIEW II 15 6 M PA
8. EIOfmr Master's thesis VIEW II 4 15 M PA
Total class no. (lectures + practice hours, DON, SIR/PIR, other classes) and ECTS points per year 15 10 15 10 60
Total hours of active teaching per year 15+10+15=40*15 = 600 10*15 = 150 60