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Quality Assurance Strategy

Quality Assurance Strategy

In accordance with the Rules and Regulations on self-assessment and quality review of higher education institutions (Official Gazette, no. 106/06) and the Article 172 of the Statute of Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad, on 2nd September 2011, the Faculty Dean suggested the development of a Quality Assurance Strategy. The Council of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management passed the Quality Assurance Strategy for the period 2011-2014 in the session held on 15thSeptember, 2011.

This document describes the quality assurance strategy and it specifies the approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, University Business Academy, through principles, goals, quality assurance measures, quality assurance entities, quality assurance areas, organizational culture of quality as well as the connection between educational and scientific/research activities.

The Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management constantly and systematically works on the improvement of quality management system and all areas of quality assurance, striving towards the application of total quality management concept.

For the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Quality Assurance Strategy is a three-year strategic and developmental document for the area of quality assurance, defining main priorities in the area of quality assurance. Quality Assurance Strategy is a public document of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management.