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Software Engineering

The main objective of the Master’s program in Software Engineering is gaining of scientific and professional competencies in the field of software engineering. Master’s study program Software engineering belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences.

Study program Software Engineering on the level of master academic studies is in line with accreditation standards for Master Academic Studies, Law on Higher Education, and with corresponding accredited European programs.

Teaching process on this study program is interactive, with included practical examples, motivates students to think and be creative, independence at work, and application of acquired knowledge. Students will collaborate directly with the subject teachers, practically check the acquired knowledge in specialized computer classrooms, have the opportunity to express individual and team creativity and develop critical thinking and expression. The quality of the teaching process is ensured through the application of the following teaching-methodical forms: lectures, performance of practical exercises, preparation of project tasks and other professional works and their presentation, discussion through emphasis on expression and critical thinking, application of modern "case study" methods, training students for work according to the project principle, as well as for team work, internship.

Master’s study program Software Engineering lasts 1 year (two semesters) and student acquires 60 ECTS.

Upon completion of Master’s study program in Software Engineering students acquire the title MASTER in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. Completion of this study level qualifies a student to enroll in a Ph.D. studies, as well as for lifelong learning throughout his lifetime.

Mastering this study program at Master Academic Studies study level, a student gains competencies for performing quality professional and scientific activities in the field of Software Engineering.

Study Programme Curriculum

Master in Software Engineering
Course Code Name of the Course S Active teaching Other ECTS M/E
1. EIOrm01 Software Design I 3 3 8 M AC
2. EIOrm02 Advanced Tools and Methods of Software Engineering I 3 3 8 M TM
3. EIIB1 Elective course 1 I
* The student chooses one of the three courses:
EIIBrm03 Computer Science in Biomedicine I 2 2 7 E SP
EIIBrm04 Software Tools of Databases I 2 2 7 E SP
EIIBrm05 Information Security I 2 2 7 E SP
4. EIIB2 Elective course 2 I
* The student chooses one of the four courses:
EIIBrm06 Logic Programing I 2 2 7 E SP
EIIBrm07 Neural Networks I 2 2 7 E SP
EIIBrm08 Advanced Internet Infrastructure I 2 2 7 E SP
EIIBrm09 User Interface Programming I 2 2 7 E SP
5. EIOrm10 Intelligent Systems II 3 3 8 M SP
6. EIIBrms Research Study for The Preparation of Master’s Thesis II 14 7 M PA
7. EIIBimp Internship II 6 3 M PA
8. EIIBimr Master’s Thesis II 12 M PA
Total class no. (lectures + practice hours, DON, SIR/PIR, other classes) and ECTS points per year 13 13 14 6 60
Total hours of active teaching per year (13 + 13) x 15 + 14 x 15 = 600 6*15 = 90 60