Dean's Word
From its earliest days till the present, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management has developed into a strong autonomous and integrated academic community of teachers, researchers and students incorporated into an international university network.
In perceiving and shaping the future image of our Faculty, the starting point should be an indisputable fact that the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management has reached a high level in terms of undergraduate education and that students, with their great interest in studying at our Faculty, are the best proof of our high quality programs and teaching processes. Of course, in addition to that, it is necessary to make continuous improvements and innovations in the following period, which would contribute to an even higher quality and further development of the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management.
With the new cycle of accreditation, the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management started an all-encompassing reform of teaching activities and many positive steps have already been made by introducing new study programs. Five new study programs have been developed, all of which have been accredited (Environmental engineering at undergraduate academic studies as well as distance learning programs in Business Economics and Finance). In addition, Engineering Management in Agriculture is a study program which has been reengineered at all three study levels. As a response to current market demands, our faculty management successfully introduced and received accreditation for a new study program called Software Engineering at the levels of undergraduate and master’s studies.
We are proud to say that the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management has 15 accredited study programs, out of which 7 undergraduate study programs, 5 postgraduate and 3 doctoral study programs. We especially emphasize the fact that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development accredited the Faculty for performing scientific and research activities. The Faculty obtained the permission for performing scientific research activities in two scientific fields: social-humanistic and technical-technological field; hence, it has become one of a very small group of faculties in the Republic of Serbia to be accredited for two scientific fields. Consequently, the Faculty improved general and specific competences, and in fierce competition with state faculties, ensured a prestigious position among the best scientific/research higher education institutions.
The Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management invested a lot of effort in modernizing its teaching process so as to completely satisfy the requirements of contemporary life. At the same time, it was important to preserve the good practice inherited from the past and attempt to make as successful a connection with modern requirements as possible. This was and has still has remained a great challenge for all of us working at the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management and only time and our students, as the most fierce and righteous critics of our work, will tell if we have succeeded in our efforts.
The ultimate goal for the Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management is to assume the role of a leader in the system of private higher education in the Republic of Serbia, but also to become an important segment of student and teaching mobility schemes in south-east Europe. Fully aware of the challenges that are still ahead of us, instead with a conclusion, we will finish off with a Latin saying: Audaces fortuna iuvat!