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Engineering Management in Agribusiness

Master’s program in Engineering Management in Agribusiness is designed in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and accreditation standards.

Its main objective is to provide comprehensive and quality education, as well as to enable young specialists to successfully perform business activities in the field of Engineering management in agribusiness. The purpose of this study program is to provide students with highly specialized knowledge in crop engineering and livestock engineering. Therefore, a student is provided by all necessary knowledge which is based on the latest scientific and technical and technological achievements. Apart from that, in accordance with their own affinities students gain knowledge and competencies in the fields of strategic marketing in agribusiness, strategic marketing of food and agricultural products, agricultural accounting, EU agricultural and rural policy, environmental protection technology, as well as business information systems, so, in that way they are prepared for quality performing job with the degree of MASTER in ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT.

Experts of this profile can find employment in various organizations and institutions that are engaged in the production, processing and trade of food. They can work as production managers, in small and medium sized enterprises, as well as in large companies, that are engaged in food production and providing services in the field of agriculture. Students are also qualified to perform activities in public administration bodies in expert agricultural advisory services, agricultural institutes, cooperatives, public institutions that deal with agriculture, inspection services and authorized institutions for certification and quality control of agricultural and food products etc. They have the possibility to enroll in doctoral studies and to build a scientific career, working at higher education institutions and scientific institutes.

Teaching is carried out in small groups through mentoring work and establishing direct student-professor contact, case studies (case analysis), emphasizing individual student development, teamwork through the development of interpersonal skills, acquiring practical knowledge and using modern technology. Visits of economic experts also contribute to the quality of teaching process.

Study Programme Curriculum

Master in Engineering Management in Agribusiness
Course Code Name of the Course S Active teaching Other ECTS M/E
1. EIOim01 The Methodology of Scientific Research I 3 2 8 M TM
2. EIOim02 Engineering in Plant Production I 3 2 8 M SP
3. EIOim03 Engineering in Livestock Production I 3 2 8 M SP
4. EIIB1 Elective course 1 I 3 2 6 E SP
* Student chooses one of three listed courses:
EIIBim04 1.Strategic Management of Natural Resources
EIIBim05 2.Strategic Marketing of Agricultural and Food Products
EIIBim06 3.Agricultural Accounting
5. EIIB2 Elective course 2 II 3 2 6 E AC
* Student chooses one of three listed courses:
EIIBim07 1.Agricultural and Rural Policy of the European Union
EIIBim08 2.Technology of Environmental Protection
EIIBim09 3.Business Information Systems
6. EIOimp Internship II 6 3 M PA
7. EIOimsir Research Study for The Preparation of Master’s Thesis II 15 6 M TM
8. EIOimr Master’s Thesis II 15 M PA
Total class no. (lectures + practice hours, DON, SIR/PIR, other classes) and ECTS points per year 15 10 15 6 60
Total hours of active teaching per year 15+10+15=40*15=600 6*15 = 90 60