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Business Economics is a program of doctoral studies designed in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and Bologna declaration. Its main objective is to provide students with comprehensive and quality education in the field of business administration and management as well as to enable them to successfully apply the acquired knowledge in solving concrete, complex business problems in the development and management of scientific and research projects. Additionally, the aim of the Business Economics doctoral study programme is to recruit the best candidates for work at faculties and institutes, securing in that way continuous development of scientific youth.

Upon completing doctoral studies, students become young professionals with a wide variety of employment possibilities in economic or state organizations, at faculties or in research centres in the country and abroad- mainly in the field of business administration, management and finance.

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Engineering Management in Agribusiness is a program of doctoral studies designed pursuant to the Law on Higher Education and Bologna Declaration. The main objective of this study programme is to provide students with the opportunity to upgrade and improve the knowledge and skills they have previously acquired in the course of their master’s studies. With this program of doctoral studies students are expected to expand the scope of their competences and skills specifically in the domain of Industrial engineering and engineering management.

Furthermore, the main aim of doctoral studies in Engineering Management in Agribusiness is to help students learn about and apply state-of-the-art scientific achievements, so that later in their professional careers they are capable of organizing and managing national and international development projects, thus becoming recognized experts in the mentioned domain. Upon completion of doctoral studies students will be able to effectively apply and implement the acquired knowledge in practical situations, while working in the public or private sector, in various organizations, faculties, laboratories or research centers in the country and abroad.

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