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Traffic Engineering

Master’s study program in Traffic Engineering is designed in accordance with Law on Higher Education and accreditation standards.

The purpose of the traffic engineering master's study program is the education of students through the acquisition of multidisciplinary knowledge in the field of traffic and transport techniques and logistics, which are integrated into all modern economic processes and social flows by their basic functions. Also, there is a need for university educated experts who will be prepared to answer in creative way to the demands of the development of traffic sector, based on newest scientific and technical technological achievements. Globalization of the economy and international exchange create a growing need for mobility of people, goods and information which results in a dynamic development of the traffic system.

Study program Traffic Engineering of master academic studies provides students with fundamental knowledge through studying essential subjects, but at the same time allows students to develop wide range of skills- through greater number of elective courses. This way students build their research and professional skills, but also their professional and social competencies.

The main goal of the Master's study program in Traffic Engineering is for the student to acquire fundamental and applied knowledge and skills that can be used to recognize, formulate and analyze problems and develop the abilities of research, critical thinking, development, design, optimization, management and maintenance of functions, devices, machines and systems in the field of traffic and transport techniques and logistics, using information technologies and software tools, while respecting the principles of sustainable development and engineering ethics. Also, the goal of the study program is the development of the traffic system towards safe, clean, sustainable and smart traffic with the direction of cargo on rail and water traffic in accordance with the strategic priorities and requirements of the Republic of Serbia, as well as research and development projects of the European Union.

Study Programme Curriculum

Master in Traffic Engineering
Course Code Name of the Course S Active teaching Other ECTS M/E
1. 20.SIM001 Modern Aspects of Transport Vehicles and Materials I 3 3 8 M AC
2. 20.SIM002 Modeling and Simulation in Traffic I 3 3 8 M TM
3. 20.SIMI1 Electoral group 1
* The student chooses one of the three courses:
20.SIMI03 Methods of Measurement and Research in Traffic I 2 2 7 E TM
20.SIMI04 Traffic Infrastructure Planning I 2 2 7 E SP
20.SIMI05 Intelligent Traffic Systems I 2 2 7 E SP
4. 20.SIMI2 Electoral group 2
* The student chooses one of the three courses:
20.SIMI06 Logistics systems and processes I 2 2 7 E SP
20.SIMI07 Valuation and Management of Traffic Projects I 2 2 7 E SP
20.SIMI08 Traffic Safety Management I 2 2 7 E SP
5. 20.SIM009 Traffic Design II 3 3 8 M SP
6. 20.SIM010 Research Study for The Preparation of Master’s Thesis II 14 7 M PA
7. 20.SIM011 Internship II 6 3 M PA
8. 20.SIM012 Master’s Thesis II 4 12 M PA
Total class no. (lectures + practice hours, DON, SIR/PIR, other classes) and ECTS points per year 13 13 14 10 60
Total hours of active teaching per year 13+13+14=40*15 = 600 10*15 = 150 60