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Quality Policy

Our basic purpose is to offer our students top quality knowledge through the interaction of scientific and research activities and educational services, encouraging the wish for life-long learning and nourishing intellectual curiosity. In accordance with contemporary trends, we create interdisciplinary programs to meet the needs of students at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies through which we prepare them to become leaders and successful individuals ready to compete in an international environment.

Our basic commitment is, above all, to satisfy the needs of users as well as the needs and requirements of other interested parties. In performing scientific, research and educational activities, business activities of the Faculty are in accordance with the current Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia and they are targeted at compliance with the processes of European higher education integration.

Quality assurance criteria are aimed at constant improvement and quality in the domains of teaching, research and management, in accordance with requirements for higher education and scientific research institutions assessment.

In maintaining its quality policy, our Faculty develops cooperation with its users as well as faculties and institutions in the country and abroad.

Quality policy serves a very important purpose at our Faculty. The Faculty management assumed the obligation to conduct and improve the established quality system as well as to ensure that the policy is understood and accepted by all the employees.

The right and obligation of all our employees is to maintain quality policy, improve the quality management system and achieve recognition for themselves and for the Faculty.

Quality management system is described in Rules and Regulations on Quality.

Commission for quality and quality manager as management representatives are responsible for control and information on conducting this policy.